This summer, we hosted three one-day audio-making workshops at the Portland Public Teen Library with middle- and high-school youth. Fourteen participants attended the three different workshops, working as either individuals or in pairs to complete a vox pop audio piece by the end of the day. These audio pieces aired on WMPG 90.9 FM August 24th from 7:30-8:30 pm.
Listen here:
In short workshops, participants can go from knowing very little about making audio to completing an entire audio piece start to finish. They can learn about recording equipment, interviewing, and editing techniques along the way. “Vox pop” is short for vox populi, or “Voice of the People,” and participants rose to the challenge of collecting voices from Monument Square in Portland, Maine. They interviewed community members about their perspectives on a range of topics including the impacts of COVID, whether pineapple belongs on pizza, and their favorite smells.
While it can be intimidating to interview strangers for the first time, everyone collected great responses and creatively edited answers into their own audio collage. “People were easy to connect with which made it more easy and comfortable to do my best work. I learned to step out of my comfort zone, I loved interviewing people,” said one participant after the workshop.
We look forward to partnering with the Portland Public Teen Library for more audio workshops in the future, so stay tuned!

Ava and Sophia work at the Portland Public Library to organize and edit the audio they collected on people’s favorite (and least favorite) smells.